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Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells hold great promise for autologous cell transplantation. In order to apply this therapy to monogenic disorder, disease-causing mutations must be corrected prior to transplantation. We generated iPS cells from patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, which is caused by homozygous non-synonymous mutation in the SERPINA1 gene. In vitro differentiation of patient-derived iPS cells to hepatocytes showed recapitulation of the disease phenotype. We corrected the mutations by gene targeting using zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) and piggyBac transposon technologies. Our mutation correction is highly accurate. There is no exogenous sequence left behind at the targeted site. The corrected iPS cell-derived hepatocytes were indistinguishable from healthy hepatocyte, suggesting that the corrected gene was fully functional. The genomic integrity was also analyzed by CGH and SNP array, showing no genomic alterations. These are important points to ensure clinical safety as well as functional restoration of the corrected gene. One remaining question is if these corrected iPS cells are clinically safe at the single base-pair level. Recent publications suggested that cancer-related mutations are significantly accumulated during iPS cell propagation. We aim to assess the clinical safety of the corrected iPS cells by using exome sequencing. Outcome from this project would bring iPS cell technology one step closer to clinical applications.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001000030 Illumina HiSeq 2000 4
EGAD00001000086 Illumina HiSeq 2000 16
Publications Citations
Targeted gene correction of α1-antitrypsin deficiency in induced pluripotent stem cells.
Nature 478: 2011 391-394