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Analyzing the expression profiles of genes in ureters with and without indwelling stents using RNAseq 

The objective of the work is to explore the pathways and mechanisms driving inflammation and fibrosis in stented ureters. In total, 6 pigs underwent cystoscopic unilateral ureteral stent insertion for 14 days. Ureteral tissue was harvested in 3 pigs, while the remaining 3 pigs had their stents removed, and were recovered for 7 days. Three separate pigs served as controls. Stents cause significant inflammation and fibrosis of ureters. Gene set enrichment analysis confirmed fibrotic changes and tissue proliferation and suggests that epithelial-mesenchymal transition is a driver of fibrosis.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001009783 NextSeq 500 9
Publications Citations
Indwelling stents cause severe inflammation and fibrosis of the ureter via urothelial-mesenchymal transition.
Sci Rep 13: 2023 5492