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Single Cell Analysis of Psoriasis Resolution following IL-23 Blockade

Full-thickness skin biopsies were obtained from five individuals with severe psoriasis who were receiving risankizumab treatment. Skin biopsies were taken from lesional and non-lesional sites at baseline, and from lesional sites at day 3 and day 14 of therapy. All biopsies were taken from site-matched areas on the lower back/buttocks. Single-cell RNA sequencing was performed using a 10x Genomics platform. Myeloid and fibroblast populations showed the strongest change in gene expression after 3 days. An inflammatory, transient WNT5A+/IL24+ fibroblast state was identified, which was elevated in abundance in lesional skin versus non lesional skin, and decreased after 14 days of treatment. R1 and R2 FASTQs files are available.