waiting for release
Mutational signatures of DNA damage and repair processes - Mutagen Exposure Pilot
Pilot study for mutagen exposure work to be carried out as part of mutational signatures project.
- 17 samples
- DAC: EGAC00001000000
- Technology: Illumina HiSeq 2500
- PUB DUO:0000019 (version: 2021-02-23)publication requiredThis data use modifier indicates that requestor agrees to make results of studies using the data available to the larger scientific community.
- US DUO:0000026 (version: 2021-02-23)user specific restrictionThis data use modifier indicates that use is limited to use by approved users.
- IS DUO:0000028 (version: 2021-02-23)institution specific restrictionThis data use modifier indicates that use is limited to use within an approved institution.
- GRU DUO:0000042 (version: 2021-02-23)general research useThis data use permission indicates that use is allowed for general research use for any research purpose.