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Identification of cis- and trans-regulatory variation modulating microRNA expression levels in human fibroblasts

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulatory noncoding RNAs that affect the production of a significant fraction of human mRNAs via post-transcriptional regulation. Interindividual variation of the miRNA expression levels is likely to influence the expression of miRNA target genes and may therefore contribute to phenotypic differences in humans, including susceptibility to common disorders. The extent to which miRNA levels are genetically controlled is largely unknown. In this report, we assayed the expression levels of miRNAs in primary fibroblasts from 180 European newborns of the GenCord project and performed association analysis to identify eQTLs (expression quantitative traits loci). We detected robust expression for 121 miRNAs out of 365 interrogated. We have identified significant cis- (10%) and trans- (11%) eQTLs. Furthermore, we detected one genomic locus (rs1522653) that influences the expression levels of five miRNAs, thus unraveling a novel mechanism for coregulation of miRNA expression

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00000000027 Ilumina HumanHap550-2v3_B-Beadstudio 176
Publications Citations
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Identification of cis- and trans-regulatory variation modulating microRNA expression levels in human fibroblasts.
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A statistical framework for joint eQTL analysis in multiple tissues.
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The genomic landscape of human cellular circadian variation points to a novel role for the signalosome.
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