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DNA from colon cancer samples and matched normal samples was hybridized on Human 660W-Quad SNP arrays and sequenced in Illumina HiScanSQ.

DNA from colon cancer samples and matched normal samples was hybridized on Human 660W-Quad SNP arrays and sequenced in Illumina HiScanSQ. The objective of the study was to introduce methodology for the detection of genomic copy number alterations (CNAs) using high-throughput sequencing data. The samples in this study allow the comparison of the results from the seqCNA R package with those from other methods that detect copy number alterations (CNAs) in tumoural samples, either using SNP-array data or high-throughput sequencing data.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001000642 Illumina HiScanSQ 2
EGAD00001000643 Illumina HiScanSQ 2
EGAD00010000492 Illumina_Human660W-Quad_v1_A-Not supplied 4
EGAD00010000494 Illumina_Human660W-Quad_v1_A-Not supplied 4
Publications Citations
seqCNA: an R package for DNA copy number analysis in cancer using high-throughput sequencing.
BMC Genomics 15: 2014 178