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Whole-genome sequencing of bladder cancers of various stages and grades to search for driver mutations, chromosome-scale somatic changes, mutation signatures and clonal structures.

This discovery set of tumours cancers with whole-genome sequence data comprised 14 bladder cancers, paired with peripheral blood, that had been collected from unrelated individuals presenting to the Urology Department, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield between June 2008 and September 2011. Four cancers were of low-grade papillary morphology (pTaG1-2), five were high grade invading the lamina propria (pT1G3, with two subsequently becoming muscle-invasive); and five were muscle-invasive (pT2-pT3). All tumours were sampled at transurethral resection or cystectomy and had not previously received any other therapy. The presence of a majority of cancer cells in the tumour specimens was confirmed by routine histological assessment. Genomic DNA was extracted from each tumour and paired blood sample using standard methods.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001000865 Illumina HiSeq 2000 28
Publications Citations
Whole-genome sequencing of bladder cancers reveals somatic CDKN1A mutations and clinicopathological associations with mutation burden.
Nat Commun 5: 2014 3756
Activation of PTHrP-cAMP-CREB1 signaling following p53 loss is essential for osteosarcoma initiation and maintenance.
Elife 5: 2016 e13446