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We evaluate the PGD/PGS including 129 couples with NGS test and 266 couples with SNP-array test for the detection of embryonic chromosomal abnormalities.

A total of 395 couples were subjected to IVF-PGD treatment, including 129 couples with NGS test and 266 couples with SNP-array test for the detection of embryonic chromosomal abnormalities. The NGS test was performed using low coverage whole genome sequencing with HiSeq 2000 platform. And the SNP array test was using Affymetrix Gene Chip Mapping Nsp I 262K.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001001037 Illumina HiSeq 2000 188
Publications Citations
Clinical outcome of preimplantation genetic diagnosis and screening using next generation sequencing.
Gigascience 3: 2014 30