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Anaplastic oligodendroglioma exome and RNA sequencing data

Anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (AOs) are rare primary brain tumors which are generally incurable, with heterogeneous prognosis and few treatment targets identified. Most oligodendrogliomas have chromosome 1p/19q co-deletion and IDH mutation. We analyzed 51 AOs by whole-exome sequencing, identifying previously reported frequent somatic mutations in CIC and FUBP1. We also identified recurrent mutations in TCF12 and in an additional series of 83 AO. Overall 7.5% of AO are mutated for TCF12, which encodes an oligodendrocyte-related transcription factor. 80% of TCF12 mutations identified were in either the bHLH domain, which is important for TCF12 function as a transcription factor, or were frame shift mutations leading to TCF12 truncated for this domain. We show that these mutations compromise TCF12 transcriptional activity and are associated with a more aggressive tumor type. Our analysis provides further insights into the unique and shared pathways driving AO.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001001452 Illumina HiSeq 2000 102
Publications Citations
TCF12 is mutated in anaplastic oligodendroglioma.
Nat Commun 6: 2015 7207