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The UK Household Longitudinal Study (Understanding Society aims to create and enhance a resource for a wide range of scientists, both social and biological, by combining the collection of biomarkers and psychosocial information with high quality longitudinal social and economic data about individuals and families. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00010000874 Sequenom 8590
EGAD00010000890 Illumina HumanCoreExome-12v1-0 20926
EGAD00010000891 Illumina HumanCoreExome-12v1-0 19888
EGAD00010000918 Illumina HumanCoreExome-12v1-0 chip, UK10K + 1000 Genomes combined reference panel imputed 19888
Publications Citations
Integrative genomic analysis implicates limited peripheral adipose storage capacity in the pathogenesis of human insulin resistance.
Nat Genet 49: 2017 17-26
Whole genome sequencing and imputation in isolated populations identify genetic associations with medically-relevant complex traits.
Nat Commun 8: 2017 15606
Whole-Genome Sequencing Coupled to Imputation Discovers Genetic Signals for Anthropometric Traits.
Am J Hum Genet 100: 2017 865-884
Genome-wide analysis of health-related biomarkers in the UK Household Longitudinal Study reveals novel associations.
Sci Rep 7: 2017 11008
A novel variant in <i>GLIS3</i> is associated with osteoarthritis.
Ann Rheum Dis 77: 2018 620-623
Genome-wide association study of developmental dysplasia of the hip identifies an association with <i>GDF5</i>.
Commun Biol 1: 2018 56
A Single Complex <i>Agpat2</i> Allele in a Patient With Partial Lipodystrophy.
Front Physiol 9: 2018 1363
Leveraging DNA-Methylation Quantitative-Trait Loci to Characterize the Relationship between Methylomic Variation, Gene Expression, and Complex Traits.
Am J Hum Genet 103: 2018 654-665
Natural helix 9 mutants of PPARγ differently affect its transcriptional activity.
Mol Metab 20: 2019 115-127
Identification of new therapeutic targets for osteoarthritis through genome-wide analyses of UK Biobank data.
Nat Genet 51: 2019 230-236
Genetic architecture of human thinness compared to severe obesity.
PLoS Genet 15: 2019 e1007603
Guidance for DNA methylation studies: statistical insights from the Illumina EPIC array.
BMC Genomics 20: 2019 366
The transferability of lipid loci across African, Asian and European cohorts.
Nat Commun 10: 2019 4330
Recalibrating the epigenetic clock: implications for assessing biological age in the human cortex.
Brain 143: 2020 3763-3775
Genomic and phenotypic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation.
Nat Genet 53: 2021 1311-1321
Investigation of clinical characteristics and genome associations in the 'UK Lipoedema' cohort.
PLoS One 17: 2022 e0274867
Genome-wide association study of a lipedema phenotype among women in the UK Biobank identifies multiple genetic risk factors.
Eur J Hum Genet 31: 2023 338-344
Investigating the role of common cis-regulatory variants in modifying penetrance of putatively damaging, inherited variants in severe neurodevelopmental disorders.
Sci Rep 14: 2024 8708