Integrative genomic analysis implicates limited peripheral adipose storage capacity in the pathogenesis of human insulin resistance.
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Whole genome sequencing and imputation in isolated populations identify genetic associations with medically-relevant complex traits.
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Whole-Genome Sequencing Coupled to Imputation Discovers Genetic Signals for Anthropometric Traits.
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Genome-wide analysis of health-related biomarkers in the UK Household Longitudinal Study reveals novel associations.
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A novel variant in <i>GLIS3</i> is associated with osteoarthritis.
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Genome-wide association study of developmental dysplasia of the hip identifies an association with <i>GDF5</i>.
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A Single Complex <i>Agpat2</i> Allele in a Patient With Partial Lipodystrophy.
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Leveraging DNA-Methylation Quantitative-Trait Loci to Characterize the Relationship between Methylomic Variation, Gene Expression, and Complex Traits.
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Natural helix 9 mutants of PPARγ differently affect its transcriptional activity.
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Mol Metab
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Identification of new therapeutic targets for osteoarthritis through genome-wide analyses of UK Biobank data.
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Nat Genet
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Genetic architecture of human thinness compared to severe obesity.
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Guidance for DNA methylation studies: statistical insights from the Illumina EPIC array.
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The transferability of lipid loci across African, Asian and European cohorts.
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Recalibrating the epigenetic clock: implications for assessing biological age in the human cortex.
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Genomic and phenotypic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation.
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Investigation of clinical characteristics and genome associations in the 'UK Lipoedema' cohort.
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Genome-wide association study of a lipedema phenotype among women in the UK Biobank identifies multiple genetic risk factors.
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Eur J Hum Genet
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Investigating the role of common cis-regulatory variants in modifying penetrance of putatively damaging, inherited variants in severe neurodevelopmental disorders.
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