Genomic patterns of progression in smoldering multiple myeloma.
Bolli N, Maura F, Minvielle S, Gloznik D, Szalat R, Fullam A, Martincorena I, Dawson KJ, Samur MK, Zamora J, Tarpey P, Davies H, Fulciniti M, Shammas MA, Tai YT, Magrangeas F, Moreau P, Corradini P, Anderson K, Alexandrov L, Wedge DC, Avet-Loiseau H, Campbell P, Munshi N.
Nat Commun
9 :
A practical guide for mutational signature analysis in hematological malignancies.
Maura F, Degasperi A, Nadeu F, Leongamornlert D, Davies H, Moore L, Royo R, Ziccheddu B, Puente XS, Avet-Loiseau H, Campbell PJ, Nik-Zainal S, Campo E, Munshi N, Bolli N.
Nat Commun
10 :
Genomic landscape and chronological reconstruction of driver events in multiple myeloma.
Maura F, Bolli N, Angelopoulos N, Dawson KJ, Leongamornlert D, Martincorena I, Mitchell TJ, Fullam A, Gonzalez S, Szalat R, Abascal F, Rodriguez-Martin B, Samur MK, Glodzik D, Roncador M, Fulciniti M, Tai YT, Minvielle S, Magrangeas F, Moreau P, Corradini P, Anderson KC, Tubio JMC, Wedge DC, Gerstung M, Avet-Loiseau H, Munshi N, Campbell PJ.
Nat Commun
10 :
Timing the initiation of multiple myeloma.
Rustad EH, Yellapantula V, Leongamornlert D, Bolli N, Ledergor G, Nadeu F, Angelopoulos N, Dawson KJ, Mitchell TJ, Osborne RJ, Ziccheddu B, Carniti C, Montefusco V, Corradini P, Anderson KC, Moreau P, Papaemmanuil E, Alexandrov LB, Puente XS, Campo E, Siebert R, Avet-Loiseau H, Landgren O, Munshi N, Campbell PJ, Maura F.
Nat Commun
11 :
IgCaller for reconstructing immunoglobulin gene rearrangements and oncogenic translocations from whole-genome sequencing in lymphoid neoplasms.
Nadeu F, Mas-de-Les-Valls R, Navarro A, Royo R, Martín S, Villamor N, Suárez-Cisneros H, Mares R, Lu J, Enjuanes A, Rivas-Delgado A, Aymerich M, Baumann T, Colomer D, Delgado J, Morin RD, Zenz T, Puente XS, Campbell PJ, Beà S, Maura F, Campo E.
Nat Commun
11 :
Initial Whole-Genome Sequencing of Plasma Cell Neoplasms in First Responders and Recovery Workers Exposed to the World Trade Center Attack of September 11, 2001.
Maura F, Diamond B, Maclachlan KH, Derkach A, Yellapantula VD, Rustad EH, Hultcrantz M, Shah UA, Hong J, Landau HJ, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Papaemmanuil E, Irby S, Crowley L, Crane M, Webber MP, Goldfarb DG, Zeig-Owens R, Giricz O, Verma A, Prezant DJ, Dogan A, Shah SP, Zhang Y, Landgren O.
Clin Cancer Res
27 :
Whole-genome sequencing reveals progressive versus stable myeloma precursor conditions as two distinct entities.
Oben B, Froyen G, Maclachlan KH, Leongamornlert D, Abascal F, Zheng-Lin B, Yellapantula V, Derkach A, Geerdens E, Diamond BT, Arijs I, Maes B, Vanhees K, Hultcrantz M, Manasanch EE, Kazandjian D, Lesokhin A, Dogan A, Zhang Y, Mikulasova A, Walker B, Morgan G, Campbell PJ, Landgren O, Rummens JL, Bolli N, Maura F.
Nat Commun
12 :
mmsig: a fitting approach to accurately identify somatic mutational signatures in hematological malignancies.
Rustad EH, Nadeu F, Angelopoulos N, Ziccheddu B, Bolli N, Puente XS, Campo E, Landgren O, Maura F.
Commun Biol
4 :
Pathogenetic and Prognostic Implications of Increased Mitochondrial Content in Multiple Myeloma.
Ruiz-Heredia Y, Ortiz-Ruiz A, Samur MK, Garrido V, Rufian L, Sanchez R, Aguilar-Garrido P, Barrio S, Martín MA, Bolli N, Tai YT, Szalat R, Fulciniti M, Munshi N, Martínez-López J, Linares M, Gallardo M.
Cancers (Basel)
13 :
Copy number signatures predict chromothripsis and clinical outcomes in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.
Maclachlan KH, Rustad EH, Derkach A, Zheng-Lin B, Yellapantula V, Diamond B, Hultcrantz M, Ziccheddu B, Boyle EM, Blaney P, Bolli N, Zhang Y, Dogan A, Lesokhin AM, Morgan GJ, Landgren O, Maura F.
Nat Commun
12 :
Molecular Evolution of Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma Revealed Through Whole-Genome Sequencing of Hodgkin and Reed Sternberg Cells.
Maura F, Ziccheddu B, Xiang JZ, Bhinder B, Rosiene J, Abascal F, Maclachlan KH, Eng KW, Uppal M, He F, Zhang W, Gao Q, Yellapantula VD, Trujillo-Alonso V, Park SI, Oberley MJ, Ruckdeschel E, Lim MS, Wertheim GB, Barth MJ, Horton TM, Derkach A, Kovach AE, Forlenza CJ, Zhang Y, Landgren O, Moskowitz CH, Cesarman E, Imielinski M, Elemento O, Roshal M, Giulino-Roth L.
Blood Cancer Discov
4 :