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Spatio-temporal evolution of the primary glioblastoma genome (newly added after 2015)

Since our genomic analysis of 38 GBM patients, we recruited more cases to further study spatial and temporal evolution of glioblastoma with international collaboration of multiple institutes. The cases in this study includes the whole exome and transcriptome of GBM patients newly recruited in Samsung Medical Center.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001002143 Illumina HiSeq 2500 86
Publications Citations
Clonal evolution of glioblastoma under therapy.
Nat Genet 48: 2016 768-776
A tension-mediated glycocalyx-integrin feedback loop promotes mesenchymal-like glioblastoma.
Nat Cell Biol 20: 2018 1203-1214
MGMT genomic rearrangements contribute to chemotherapy resistance in gliomas.
Nat Commun 11: 2020 3883
Pathway-based classification of glioblastoma uncovers a mitochondrial subtype with therapeutic vulnerabilities.
Nat Cancer 2: 2021 141-156
Pharmacogenomic profiling reveals molecular features of chemotherapy resistance in IDH wild-type primary glioblastoma.
Genome Med 15: 2023 16
IDHwt glioblastomas can be stratified by their transcriptional response to standard treatment, with implications for targeted therapy.
Genome Biol 25: 2024 45