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Genetic subclone heterogeneity of tumor-initiating cells in human colorectal cancer

A subset of tumor-initiating cells (TIC) drives colorectal cancer (CRC) progression in serial mouse xenografts. The TIC compartment itself is heterogeneous and comprises hierarchically organized long-term TIC, tumor transient amplifying cells, and delayed contributing TIC. To address the genomic heterogeneity of the CRC TIC compartment, genome-wide high-coverage whole genome sequencing was performed on patient tumors (n=3), corresponding serially passaged TIC-enriched spheres, and serial xenografts.HIPO P002

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001002528 Illumina HiSeq 2000 18
EGAD00001006263 Illumina HiSeq 2000 3
Publications Citations
Genetic subclone architecture of tumor clone-initiating cells in colorectal cancer.
J Exp Med 214: 2017 2073-2088