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Exome sequence data for germline, primary tumor, and relapse tumor of a transformed non-Hodgkins lymphoma patient with unexpected long-time remission

The patient was diagnosed with a transformed high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma stage III, and treated with conventional R-CHOP (Rituximab (R), Cyclophosphamide (C), Doxorubicin (H), Vincristine (O) and Prednisone (P)). Unfortunately, she suffered from severe toxicity but recovered during the following six months remission until a biopsy verified relapse. The patient refused second line combination chemotherapy, but accepted a 3 months palliation with R and Chlorambucil. Unexpectedly, she obtained continuous complete remission and is at present >9 years after primary diagnosis.Molecular studies and data evaluation by principal component analysis, mutation screening, and copy number variations of the primary and relapsed tumor, identified patterns of branched lymphoma evolution, most likely diverging from an unknown in situ follicular lymphoma.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001002707 Illumina HiSeq 2000 3
Publications Citations
Molecular classification of tissue from a transformed non-Hogkin's lymphoma case with unexpected long-time remission.
Exp Hematol Oncol 6: 2017 3