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Molecular Subtype-specific Biomarkers Improves Colorectal Cancer Prognostication

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is characterized by major inter-tumor diversity that complicates the prediction of disease and treatment outcomes. Recent efforts help resolve this by sub-classification of CRC according to natural molecular subtypes, however, this strategy is not yet able to provide clinicians with improved tools for decision-making. We here present an extended framework for CRC stratification that specifically aims to improve patient prognostication. Using transcriptional profiles from 1,100 CRCs, including a novel set of >300 samples, we identify novel cancer cell and tumor archetypes and suggest the tumor microenvironment as a major prognostic determinant that can be influenced by the microbiome. Notably, our subtyping strategy allowed identification of novel archetype-specific prognostic biomarkers that provided information beyond and independent of UICC-TNM staging, MSI-status and consensus molecular subtyping. The results illustrate that our extended subtyping framework, combining subtyping and subtype-specific biomarkers, could contribute to improved patient prognostication and may form a strong basis for future studies.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001003318 314
Publications Citations
Molecular-Subtype-Specific Biomarkers Improve Prediction of Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer.
Cell Rep 19: 2017 1268-1280
MethCORR modelling of methylomes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue enables characterization and prognostication of colorectal cancer.
Nat Commun 11: 2020 2025