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Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles of NSCLC xenograft and primary lung tissues for the identification of epigenetic predictive biomarkers.

Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) are the most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide and primarily treated with platinum-based drugs like cisplatin and carboplatin, radiation and surgery. The major challenge in the management of NSCLC are intrinsic or acquired resistance mechanisms with only few published molecular markers which can predict the outcome of the patients. On the other side, changes in DNA methylation are observed in nearly all cancer types making them suitable as biomarker. Here genome-wide methylation profiles from MeDIP-Seq and gene expression profiling data of 22 primary NSCLC, adjacent normal tissue and PDX samples are provided. For each PDX tumor growth rates were measured in absence or presence of chemotherapy.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001003944 Illumina HiSeq 2500 50
Publications Citations
Epigenomic profiling of non-small cell lung cancer xenografts uncover LRP12 DNA methylation as predictive biomarker for carboplatin resistance.
Genome Med 10: 2018 55
Pre-Training on In Vitro and Fine-Tuning on Patient-Derived Data Improves Deep Neural Networks for Anti-Cancer Drug-Sensitivity Prediction.
Cancers (Basel) 14: 2022 3950