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Whole Exome sequencing of Gingivo-buccal Cancer : ICGC-India Project_Batch04

Whole Exome Sequencing of Gingivo-buccal Cancer: ICGC-India ProjectAs a part of the ICGC, India has undertaken genomic studies on gingivobuccal cancer of the oral cavity, which is the most prevalent form of cancer among men in India. There are various known environmental (life-style) correlates of this cancer, the most important of which are tobacco chewing and HPV infection. Exome of paired DNA samples – isolated from the tumor tissue and from the blood of 47 patients – have been performed to catalog germline and somatic mutations. Association between each observed genomic alteration and exposure to environmental risk factors is being explored. Detailed clinical characterization of the patients, collection of data on demographic and environmental exposures, and isolation of DNA samples from blood and tumor tissues collected from each patient are being done at the Advanced Centre for Research, Treatment and Education on Cancer, Mumbai. Whole exome sequencing is being performed at the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001003987 Illumina HiSeq 2500 94