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Discovery of new fusion transcripts in a cohort of pediatric solid cancers at relapse

This study aims to dissect further the complexity of fusion landscape in recurrent pediatric cancers. A retrospective study on RNA-sequencing data of 48 pediatric patients at relapse with different malignancies was conducted in order to detect and validate several fusions and predict their probable oncogenic potential and targetability. We obtained a high validation rate of 90% of selected candidates which will serve both clinical and research needs to detect and prioritize experimental validation studies leading to the development of new therapeutic options.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001010041 NextSeq 500 46
Publications Citations
Discovery of New Fusion Transcripts in a Cohort of Pediatric Solid Cancers at Relapse and Relevance for Personalized Medicine.
Mol Ther 27: 2019 200-218