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whole-genome sequencing of gastric cancer

Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers. Genome-wide analysis of genomic signatures might reveal novel mechanisms for gastric cancer tumorigenesis. Here, we analyzed structural variations and mutational signatures via whole-genome sequencing of 168 gastric cancer samples. Our data demonstrates diverse models of complex structural variations operative in GC, which lead to high-level amplification of oncogenes.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001004811 HiSeq X Ten 1
EGAD00001008989 HiSeq X Ten -
Publications Citations
Whole-genome sequencing reveals novel tandem-duplication hotspots and a prognostic mutational signature in gastric cancer.
Nat Commun 10: 2019 2037
Detection of somatic copy number deletion of the <i>CDKN2A</i> gene by quantitative multiplex PCR for clinical practice.
Front Oncol 12: 2022 1038380