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Blood RNA-seq from Mexican DMD patients and healthy controls

These data are part of a study that aimed to assess the potential of blood RNA-seq to track non-invasively disease progression for DMD. In particular, here we focus on a study designed to compare gene expression in blood from DMD patients to that of healthy controls. These data are analysed in the following manuscript: Signorelli, M., Ebrahimpoor, M. et al. (accepted). Peripheral blood transcriptome profiling enables monitoring disease progression in dystrophic mice and patients. To appear in EMBO Molecular Medicine.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001006826 Illumina HiSeq 2500 57
Publications Citations
Peripheral blood transcriptome profiling enables monitoring disease progression in dystrophic mice and patients.
EMBO Mol Med 13: 2021 e13328