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Neutrophils infected with Leishmania donovani

In the context of studying visceral leishmaniasis, neutrophils infected with Leishmania donovani have been compared to uninfected neutrophils. Compared time points are 0, 6 and 24 hours post infection. Neutrophils of three human donors have been used. Overall 6 samples for infected neutrophils at time point 6 hours and 6 samples for infected neutrophils at time point 24 hours exist, including three biological samples and two technical samples. Uninfected neutrophils represent 3 samples at time point 0 hours, 3 samples at time point 6 hours and 3 samples at time point 24 hours. Transcriptome of Leishmania donovani culture has been assessed in two replicates.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001006807 HiSeq X Ten 3
EGAD00001006808 HiSeq X Ten 6
EGAD00001006809 HiSeq X Ten 3
Publications Citations
Enhanced Glycolysis Is Required for Antileishmanial Functions of Neutrophils Upon Infection With <i>Leishmania donovani</i>.
Front Immunol 12: 2021 632512