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RNA-sequencing of gluten-reactive and non-reactive T-cells from blood samples of treated CeD patients during a gluten-challenge

Gluten-specific CD4+ T cells are drivers of celiac disease (CeD). Here we aimed to characterize such cells in blood of treated CeD patients during gluten challenge with comparison to similar cells of untreated disease. Treated CeD patients underwent a 3-day gluten-challenge with blood sampling at baseline and day 6 (d6). Blood cells were stained with HLA-DQ:gluten tetramers (Tetramer). CD4+, gut-homing Tetramer+ and Tetramer- effector-memory T (TEM) cells at d6 were subjected to bulk RNA-seq (n=7).

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001006899 NextSeq 500 12
Publications Citations
Pathogenic T Cells in Celiac Disease Change Phenotype on Gluten Challenge: Implications for T-Cell-Directed Therapies.
Adv Sci (Weinh) 8: 2021 e2102778