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Sex chromosome aneuploidies give rise to changes in the circular RNA profile

Purpose The landscape of circular RNAs (circRNAs), an important class of non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression, has never been described in human disorders of sex chromosome aneuploidies. We profiled circRNAs in Turner syndrome females (45,X;TS) and Klinefelter syndrome males (47,XXY; KS) to investigate how circRNAs respond to a missing or an extra X chromosome. Methods Samples of blood, muscle and fat were collected from individuals with TS (n = 33) and KS (n = 22) and from male (n = 16) and female (n = 44) controls. CircRNAs were identified using a combination of circRNA identification pipelines (CIRI2, CIRCexplorer2 and circRNA_finder). Results Differential expression of circRNAs was observed throughout the genome in TS and KS, in all tissues. The host-genes from which several of these circRNAs were derived, were associated with known phenotypic traits. Furthermore, several differentially expressed circRNAs had the potential to capture micro RNAs that targeted protein-coding genes with altered expression in TS and KS. Conclusion Sex chromosome aneuploidies introduce pervasive changes in the circRNA transcriptome, demonstrating that the genomic changes in these syndromes are more complex than hitherto thought. CircRNAs may help explain some of the genomic and phenotypic traits observed in these syndromes.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001010052 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 212
Publications Citations
Sex chromosome aneuploidies give rise to changes in the circular RNA profile: A circular transcriptome-wide study of Turner and Klinefelter syndrome across different tissues.
Front Genet 13: 2022 928874