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Long-read sequencing of diagnosis and post-therapy medulloblastoma reveals complex rearrangement patterns and epigenetic signatures

Cancer genomes harbor a broad spectrum of structural variants (SV) driving tumorigenesis, a relevant subset of which are likely to escape discovery in short reads. We employed Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing in a paired diagnostic and post-therapy medulloblastoma to unravel the haplotype-resolved somatic genetic and epigenetic landscape. We assemble complex rearrangements and such associated with telomeric sequences, including a 1.55 Megabasepair chromothripsis event. We uncover a complex SV pattern termed "templated insertion thread", characterized by short (mostly less than 1kb) insertions showing prevalent self-concatenation into highly amplified structures of up to 50kbp in size. Templated insertion threads occur in 3% of cancers, with a prevalence ranging to 74% in liposarcoma, and frequent colocalization with chromothripsis. We also perform long-read based methylome profiling and discover allele-specific methylation (ASM) effects, complex rearrangements exhibiting differential methylation, and differential promoter methylation in seven cancer-driver genes. Our study shows the potential of long-read sequencing in cancer.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001009411 PromethION 3
EGAD00001009424 HiSeq X Ten 1
EGAD00001009425 Illumina HiSeq 2000 1
EGAD00001009483 HiSeq X Ten 1
EGAD00001009484 GridION 1
EGAD00010002370 HumanMethylation450 2
Publications Citations
Long-read sequencing of diagnosis and post-therapy medulloblastoma reveals complex rearrangement patterns and epigenetic signatures.
Cell Genom 3: 2023 100281