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Possible DNA damage after paternal exposure to ionizing radiation in radar technicians

Effects of accidental and prolonged radiation exposure on the human germline remain a topic of medical interest. Transgenerational signatures of ionizing radiation exposure are primarily implicated to be clustered de-novo mutations (cDNMs, multiple de-novo mutations within 20bp). We sequenced the whole genome of 110 children from 70 families (Radar cohort). The father in this cohort were exposed to 0-353mSv of ionizing radiation and serve as exposed samples.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001011043 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 103
Publications Citations
Extending DeepTrio for sensitive detection of complex <i>de novo</i> mutation patterns.
NAR Genom Bioinform 6: 2024 lqae013