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Lipomatous tumors with 12q amplification

The project concerns whole genome sequencing (short-read and long-read) and RNA-sequencing of lipomatous tumors with 12q-amplification. A subset of lipomatous tumors is driven by amplification of genes mapping to chromosome arm 12q, including the MDM2 gene. The goals of the study were to compare expression levels of genes mapping to 12q in tumors with amplification in rod-shaped or circularized chromosomes as well as to assess and compare the structural variants in those tumors. In total, 20 samples were analyzed, and the data were correlated with genomic data on bulk and single cell DNA from the same tumors. The fastq files from the tumors were uploaded to EGA.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000000087 BGISEQ-500 NextSeq 500 Sequel 21
Publications Citations
MDM2 amplification in rod-shaped chromosomes provides clues to early stages of circularized gene amplification in liposarcoma.
Commun Biol 7: 2024 606