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Origin of second malignancies in children

Pediatric cancers are rare diseases, and children without known germline predisposing conditions who develop a second malignancy during developmental ages are extremely rare. We present four such clinical cases and through whole-genome and error-correcting ultra-deep duplex sequencing of tumor and normal samples, we explored the origin of the second malignancy in four children, uncovering different routes of development. The exposure to cytotoxic therapies was linked to the emergence of a secondary AML. A common somatic mutation acquired early during embryonic development was the driver of two solid malignancies in another child. In two cases, the two tumors developed from completely independent clones diverging during embryogenesis. Importantly, we demonstrate that platinum-based therapies contributed at least in one order of magnitude more mutations per day of exposure than aging to normal tissues in these children.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000000237 Illumina NovaSeq X 12
EGAD50000000238 Illumina NovaSeq X 11
EGAD50000000239 Illumina NovaSeq X 10
EGAD50000000240 Illumina NovaSeq X 2
Publications Citations
Origins of Second Malignancies in Children and Mutational Footprint of Chemotherapy in Normal Tissues.
Cancer Discov 14: 2024 953-964