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Dataset ID
The dataset contains scRNA-seq gene expression matrix (csv file) and metadata (csv file) after quality control filtering for data generated with the Smart-seq2 protocol. Transcript expression was quantified with Salmon v0.11.3 using cDNA sequences from GRCh38.94 and k-mer length 25, and was aggregated to gene level and transcript-length-corrected using tximport v1.8.0. The dataset comprises IgA+ transglutaminase 2-specific and other IgA+ B cells from the peripheral blood of 355 cells from two untreated celiac disease patients.
NextSeq 500
The dataset contains processed sequencing data from Chromium Single Cell 5’ gene expression, human B cell VDJ and feature barcode (CSP) sequencing from transglutaminase 2-specific and other small intestinal plasma cells isolated from four untreated celiac disease patients. The raw sequencing data has been processed with Cell Ranger v.6.0.2 with the multi and aggr functions using the pre-built Cell Ranger references GRCh38 version 2020-A for gene expression and GRCh38-alts-ensembl-5.0.0 for V(D)J analysis. The dataset consists of a gene expression and antibody capture expression matrix (cell barcodes and feature names in tsv.gz file, expression matrix in mtx.gz file) and VDJ sequences in AIRR format (csv file). A metadata file (csv file) details cells passing our custom quality control based on number of detected genes, UMIs, mitochondrial genes, immunoglobulin genes and a productively rearranged immunoglobulin heavy chain of the IgA isotype.
Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Raw scRNA-seq data from 355 IgA+ peripheral blood B-lineage cells of two untreated celiac disease patients. The data was generated with the Smart-seq2 protocol and sequenced on a NextSeq500 instrument (Illumina) with 75 bp paired-end reads in high-output mode. The dataset contains R1 and R2 reads for each single cell (fastq.gz files) for cells passing quality control based on number of detected genes, reads, mitochondrial genes, reads mapping to the reference transcriptome and a productively rearranged immunoglobulin heavy chain IgA isotype reconstructed by the computational tool BraCeR. Metadata for the cells is provided in a csv file.
NextSeq 500
The dataset contains reconstructed VDJ sequences (fasta files) and accompanying metadata for each cell (csv file) from scRNA-seq data generated with the Smart-seq2 protocol. The VDJ sequences were reconstructed with the computational tool BraCeR using raw fastq files as input. The dataset contains sequences from 355 IgA+ peripheral blood B-lineage cells of two untreated celiac disease patients. The sequences comprise both IgA+ transglutaminase 2-specific and other IgA+ B cells.
NextSeq 500
The dataset contains raw fastq files (fastq.gz) for Chromium Single Cell 5’ gene expression (GEX), human B cell VDJ and feature barcode (CSP) sequencing from transglutaminase 2-specific and other small intestinal plasma cells isolated from four untreated celiac disease patients. Single cell 5’ gene expression, V(D)J-enriched and cell surface protein libraries were generated using Chromium single cell kits, and barcoded cDNA from a total of 5,000-10,000 cells per sample was generated using the 10x Genomics Chromium Controller. The libraries were pooled prior to sequencing on a NovaSeq 6000 instrument (Illumina) using the following configuration: read 1: 26 cycles, read 2: 89 cycles, index read 1: 8 cycles.
Illumina NovaSeq 6000
The dataset contains VDJ sequences in FASTA format, the same sequences run through IMGT/HighV-QUEST (tsv file) and accompanying metadata (csv file) including antigen specificity (transglutaminase 2-specific or other). The data was generated from cultured single B-cell clones from the peripheral blood of four untreated celiac disease patients. Sequences were obtained by a nested RT-PCR approach targeting the immunoglobulin chains followed by Sanger sequencing.