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Single cell sequencing data of PBMC and CSF from a cohort of Multiple Sclerosis patients and other neurological disease controls

Neuroinflammation is often characterised by immune cell infiltrates in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Here we apply single-cell RNA sequencing to explore the functional characteristics of these cells in patients with various inflammatory, infectious and non-inflammatory neurological disorders. We show that CSF is distinct from the peripheral blood in terms of both cellular composition and gene expression. We report that the cellular and transcriptional landscape of CSF is altered in neuroinflammation, but is strikingly similar across different neuroinflammatory disorders. We find clonal expansion of CSF B and T cells in all disorders but most pronounced in inflammatory diseases, and we functionally characterise the transcriptional features of these cells. Finally, we explore the genetic control of gene expression in CSF lymphocytes. Our results highlight the common features of immune cells in the CSF compartment across diverse neurological diseases and may help to identify new targets for drug development or repurposing in Multiple Sclerosis.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000001023 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 76