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Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research (MCTFR) Genome-Wide Association Study of Behavioral Disinhibition

This is an epidemiological study of substance abuse and related psychopathology in which the subjects have been drawn from the Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research (MCTFR). The MCTFR is a large, ongoing, family-based study. It is in part a longitudinal study of two cohorts of adolescent twins and their parents. It additionally includes a parallel longitudinal study of adolescent adoptive siblings, biologically related siblings, and their parents. Over 1500 twin families and 350 adoptive and biological sibling families have been studied, with follow-up assessments occurring approximately every 3 years. The MCTFR gathered detailed, standardized data on study participants including DSM-IIIR and DSM-IV diagnostic interview and questionnaire data. For the Genome-Wide Association Study of Behavioral Disinhibition, parental intake data plus that adolescent data gathered closest to the children 17th birthday (between ages 16.5 and 21) was used.