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Genetic Epidemiology of Lung Cancer Consortium GWAS of Familial Lung Cancer

Familial lung cancer cases were collected by the Genetic Epidemiology of Lung Cancer Consortium (GELCC) recruitment sites: University of Cincinnati, Karmanos Cancer Institute at Wayne State University, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans, Mayo Clinic, and Medical College of Ohio. Familial cases for this study came from three sources: 1) one case each from families (at least 3 affected lung cancer cases in the family) included in the linkage analysis; 2) one case from linkage-eligible families (at least 3 affected lung cancer cases in the family) but where there were insufficient biospecimens available to make them informative for linkage analysis; and 3) one case from families not eligible for the linkage study with a family history of at least one first or second degree relative affected with lung cancer. Unrelated controls were selected from 1) among the spouses of family members, thus matching on socio-economic status (SES) and ethnicity (typically) of the cases or 2) from case-control studies of lung cancer conducted in the same location in which the linkage families were collected and matched on age, sex, and race. All cases and controls self-reported as European American. Biospecimens used for normal DNA extraction included blood, saliva or mouthwash. Some samples underwent whole genome amplication.