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Baylor College of Medicine Advancing Sequencing in Childhood Cancer Care (BASIC3) Clinical Exome Sequencing Study - Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium

The BASIC3 (Baylor College of Medicine Advancing Sequencing in Childhood Cancer Care) study is a National Genome Human Research Institute (NHGRI) and National Cancer Institute-funded Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) consortium project that focuses on prospective implementation of clinical whole exome sequencing in the pediatric oncology clinic. The primary study objective are to integrate information from CLIA-certified germline and tumor exome sequencing into the care of newly diagnosed solid tumor patients at Texas Children's Cancer Center, and to perform parallel evaluation of the impact of tumor and germline exomes on families and physicians.

Blood and frozen tumor (if available) samples are collected from children undergoing surgery or biopsy of newly diagnosed solid tumors and subjected to exome sequencing in a CLIA-certified laboratory. Germline and tumor (if applicable) exome sequencing reports are generated and submitted into the electronic health record and returned to each patient/family by their primary oncologist. If specific (optional) consent is obtained, research sequencing studies (including transcriptome sequencing) are performed in addition to the clinical exome sequencing.