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Gut Microbiome and Types of Colorectal Polyps

Colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease arising from at least two precursors-the conventional adenoma and the serrated polyp. This dataset was used to test the relationship of the gut microbiota to specific colorectal polyp types.

We included samples from two independent study populations based at colonoscopy clinics: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Study of In-home Tests for Colorectal Cancer (SIT), and the New York University (NYU) Human Microbiome and Colorectal Tumor study. Gut microbiota were assessed in 667 colonoscopy-screened adults by 16S rRNA gene sequencing of stool samples, of which 540 were included in our analysis. Participants were categorized as conventional adenoma cases, serrated polyp cases, or polyp-free controls. CA cases were further classified as proximal or distal and as non-advanced or advanced. Serrated polyp cases were further classified as hyperplastic polyp or sessile serrated adenoma. Our results show associations between gut microbiome composition and presence of conventional adenomas, including reduced diversity and alterations in taxon abundance.