CMDC) project is part of the Human Canc" /> CMDC) project is part of the Human Canc" />
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NCI Cancer Model Development for the Human Cancer Model Initiative (HCMI)

The Cancer Model Development Center (CMDC) project is part of the Human Cancer Model Initiative (HCMI) and is managed by the Office of Cancer Genomics within the Center for Cancer Genomics at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The goal of the HCMI is to generate approximately 1000 novel human "next generation" tumor-derived models as a community resource. The models aim to faithfully recapitulate the cellular complexity and heterogeneity of human tumors. The CMDCs are tasked by the NCI with producing a proportion of the cancer models. Wellcome Sanger Institute (WSI) is a contributing member of the HCMI.

Models developed by HCMI are being derived from a number of tumor types and subtypes (see below), including rare adult, pediatric and understudied cancers. The number of models and the clinical sites from which patient samples are acquired is increasing. Normal tissue, originating tumor, and tumor-derived models are sequenced.

The next generation cancer models are associated with rich clinical and genomic data through the NCI Genomic Data Commons for all researchers to advance cancer research. The CMDC and HCMI models will serve as excellent tools in research to provide insight into the pathways that influence tumor growth and progression, how tumors respond to therapy, etc. Ultimately, the data generated using these models will support the development of personalized oncology.

There is a delay between registered IDs and model availability. The current model count is found in The HCMI Searchable Catalog which is updated when new models are available for distribution to the research community.