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Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)/Broad Hurthle cell carcinoma whole exome sequencing study

In this study, we performed whole-exome sequencing of 41 patients with Hurthle cell carcinoma, a thyroid cancer variant with abundant mitochondria. We were able to identify recurrent somatic mutations in both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of Hurthle cell carcinoma. Our study identifies mutations in DAXX (GeneID: 1616), TP53 ( GeneID:7157), NF1(GeneID:4763) , NRAS (GeneID:4893), CDKN1A (GeneID:1026), ARHGAP35 (GeneID:2909), the TERT (GeneID:7015) promoter, and mitochondrial-encoded complex I genes to be candidate driver events in Hurthle cell carcinoma. Furthermore, copy number analysis revealed widespread chromosomal losses, resulting in loss-of-heterozygosity and a near-haploid state, to be a defining feature of these tumors. Finally, by analyzing locoregional recurrences and metastases, we were able to identify that widespread chromosomal losses and mitochondrial complex I mutations appear to be early driver events that are selected during clonal evolution.