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Genomic Studies for Understanding Etiology of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (EsophagealAdenocarcinoma_Chinese)

While the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) has risen drastically in Western countries over the last 40 years, a similar trend has not been observed for EAC in China. Here we analyzed mutational spectrum, copy number alterations, and structural variants from whole-genome sequencing of ten Chinese EAC tumor samples and their matched normals, and compared them to EAC tumor specimens from Western countries previously reported. The mutational burden in Chinese EAC was significantly lower than that found in EAC from Western countries. The hallmark A>C mutational signature observed at high frequency in EAC from Western countries, which linked to acid reflux, is completely absent in Chinese samples. Furthermore, none of Chinese samples showed evidence of chromothripsis and genome doubling that often found in EAC from Western countries. In summary, Chinese EAC tumor samples revealed distinct genomic profiles and signatures, suggesting that Chinese EAC may arise from a different etiological pathway.