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Center for Common Disease Genomics [CCDG] - Cardiovascular: Genetics of Coronary Heart Disease - Characterizaton of Coronary Prone Pedigrees

The primary cohort includes samples from 499 men and 154 women who survived a myocardial infarction, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) by age 55 years for men or age 65 years for women. Patients were seen at least six months after their acute event. Samples from another 488 men and 541 women that showed a nearly identical age, gender, and measured blood pressure distribution were collected as population-based controls. These controls tended to live in urban Salt Lake City, where the vast majority of the population is Caucasian. Blood samples were collected in the morning after 12h to 16h of fasting and prepared according to guidelines of the Lipid Research Clinic's program Manual of Laboratory Operations. All samples have serum, DNA and/or white blood cells, and a host of measurements (e.g. standard clinical chemistries, LDL and HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, HbA1C, insulin, blood pressures, anthropometric data, information on medical conditions and drug use, etc.). Additional details about the cohort or sample preparation were published previously. Here we present in total 1,475 patients that were successfully sequenced. This number includes 228 women, 419 men, and 7 of unreported gender survivors as well as 339 women and 482 men that served as population-based controls.