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Comprehensive Genomic Characterization of Translocation Renal Cell Carcinoma

Xp11 translocation renal cell carcinoma (tRCC) is a rare, female-predominant cancer driven by a fusion between the TFE3 gene on chromosome Xp11.2 and a partner gene on either chrX or an autosome. It remains unknown what types of rearrangements underlie TFE3 fusions, whether fusions can arise from both the active (chrXa) and inactive X (chrXi) chromosomes, and whether TFE3 fusions from chrXi translocations account for the female predominance of tRCC. To address these questions, we performed haplotype-specific analyses of chrX rearrangements in tRCC whole genomes. We show that TFE3 fusions universally arise as reciprocal translocations and that oncogenic TFE3 fusions can arise from chrXi:autosomal translocations. Female-specific chrXi:autosomal translocations result in a 2:1 female-to-male ratio of TFE3 fusions involving autosomal partner genes and account for the female predominance of tRCC. Our results highlight how X chromosome genetics uniquely constrains somatic chrX alterations and underlies cancer sex differences.

This version of the dbGaP study provides a comprehensive set of whole genome data and tables with clinical information collected for the 16 patients (15 pateints as tRCC and 1 patient as ccRCC) in the study cohort. The data also contains 12 RNA-seq samples used in the study and analyses. We anticipate that this data will considerably advance our molecular and genetic understanding of oncogenic translocations in TFE3-tRCC involving inactive chromosome X and its role in cancer sex bias.