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The Ultrasound Study of Tamoxifen

The Ultrasound Study of Tamoxifen is a 12-month longitudinal study to describe volumetric breast density change over time among women with and without tamoxifen exposure. Women were enrolled at the Karmanos Cancer Institute and Henry Ford Health Systems in Detroit, Michigan between 2011-2014. Enrollment included women prescribed tamoxifen for clinical indication (n=82) and a comparison group of women frequency matched on age, race, and menopausal status (n=165). Whole breast ultrasound tomography (UST) scans were used to measure volume averaged sound speed (m/s) as a surrogate of volumetric breast density. Ultrasound tomography (UST) scans were completed at baseline prior to tamoxifen initiation and were repeated at 1-3 months, 4-6 months, and 12 months after tamoxifen initiation. For the comparison group, UST scans were completed at baseline and 12 months. Questionnaires were completed at each scan.