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Beta-Blocker Evaluation in Survival Trial (BEST-BioLINCC)

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The Beta-Blocker Evaluation of Survival Trial was designed to determine whether bucindolol hydrochloride- a nonselective beta-adrenergic blocker and mild vasodilator- would reduce the rate of death from any cause among patients with advanced heart failure and to assess its effects in various subgroups defined by ethnic background and demographic criteria- specifically women and members of minority groups.

Although beta-adrenergic-receptor antagonists reduce morbidity and Mortality in participants with mild-to-moderate chronic heart failure, their effort on survival in participants with more advanced heart failure is unknown.

There were 2,708 participants.

Bucindolol resulted in no significant overall survival benefit. (Krause-Steinrauf et al., 2001, PMID: 11386264).