Validation of a Haloplex platform for targeted re-sequencing of the exons of 25 genes
We recently used the Agilent SureSelect platform to re-sequence a set of genes known to be mutated in human AML. The results from 10 AML DNA samples were very satisfactory, but the effort required was significant. Thus, we decided to re-sequence the same genes using the Haloplax system for target enrichment in 48 AML samples. We planned to do this using MiSeq and have data from a pilot of 3 samples. The data is promising but coverage appears pathcy so far. However, in order to get a better understanding of the data we will need deeper sequencing. We will need two lanes of HiSeq to get the same degree coverage as Sureselect. his data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see
- 13/08/2016
- 54 samples
- DAC: EGAC00001000205
- Technologies: Illumina HiSeq 2000, Illumina MiSeq
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Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.
Study ID | Study Title | Study Type |
EGAS00001000285 | Resequencing |
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