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Summary statistics from meta-analysis for BP phenotypes

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The International Genetics of Blood Pressure (iGEN-BP) StudyData Access Policy - Version 1 (August 2015)

The International Genetics of Blood Pressure (iGEN-BP) StudyData Access Policy - Version 1 (August 2015)iGEN-BP Steering committeeJohn C Chambers, Imperial College London, London, UK. Elliott, Imperial College London, London, UK. van der Harst, University of Groningen, Groningen The Netherlands. p.van.der.harst@umcg.nlJiang He, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.jhe@tula ne.eduNorihiro Kato, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. nokato@ri.ncgm.go.jpJaspal S Kooner, Imperial College London, London, Shyong TaiNational University of Singapore, Singapore details for correspondenceDr. John Chambers, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London, Norfolk Place, St Mary’s Campus, London W2 1PG, United Application-The main investigator of the project should apply for iGEN-BP data.-The applicant and their collaborators must be bona fide academic researchers -The iGEN-BP Data Access Application Form must be completed in full and submitted for approval by the iGEN-BP research team. 2 General data usage and security-Data must be used only for the specified research project. -Data cannot be used by persons not mentioned in the application or distributed to third parties.-Users will NOT have sole and exclusive access to their required dataset.-Data errors must be notified to the iGEN-BP team.-iGEN-BP data users must work under the Data Protection Scheme that operates in their country. -Secure data access must be ensured by using secure networks, passwords, firewalls and/or highly encrypted devices.-The data could theoretically allow individuals to be identified. It will be the data user’s responsibility to ensure that no attempt is made to identify the participants and their identity is not disclosed under any circumstances. -It is forbidden to match or attempt to match individual records to any other data.-On completion of the project, all electronic copies of iGEN-BP data must be deleted.3 Publications- The iGEN-BP Study must be included in the list of co-authors- Use of the iGEN-BP study data should be included in the acknowledgments. - The iGEN-BP data should be referenced in the main manuscript using the primary publication for these data: Kato et al Nature Genetics (2015 in press). - If the project has received significant input from the iGEN-BP Contact Researcher then s/he may also be included as an author. Please note that the iGEN-BP team retains the right to modify the contents of this document at any time. iGEN-BP Data Access Application Form 1.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Title, forename, surname: Employing Organisation: Position in organisation: Address of organisation: Telephone:Email: 2. RESEARCH TEAM / CO-APPLICANTSDetails of each Research Team member who will have access to the data.Name of co-applicantEmploying organisationPosition in organisationEmail address3. PUBLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH TEAM MEMBERSList of the main recent publications of the Research Team involved in the project. 4. RESEARCH PROJECT 5.1 PROJECT TITLE5.2 SUMMARYDescribe the purpose/s for which the data are requested (maximum 4 A4 sides excluding references)•Background•Scientific objectives•Methodology and planned statistical analyses•References (max 10) iGEN-BP Data User’s AgreementTo be signed and submitted with the data sharing application.ApplicantTitle, forename, surname: . Work Address: . . . Telephone: . Email: . Project title: . I agree that my project will use the requested iGEN-BP data and is to be conducted according to the contents of the document “iGEN-BP Data Access Policy”. I agree that both myself and my collaborators will abide by the terms and conditions outlined there within.I agree that failure to comply with these terms and conditions will result on any future data sharing applications from me and/or my collaborators being refused by the iGEN-BP team.Signature of main applicant: . Name in block capitals: . Date: . Signature of the iGEN-BP representative: . Name in block capitals: . Date: . Please sign, date and return to the iGEN-BP Contact Researcher for counter-signature

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS00001001427 Other

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00000882754 txt 79.7 MB
EGAF00000882755 txt 78.5 MB
EGAF00000882756 txt 78.4 MB
EGAF00000882757 txt 78.3 MB
EGAF00000882758 txt 78.3 MB
5 Files (393.1 MB)