Single cell chromatin accessibility profiles from myelofibrosis patients
To explore how JAK2V617F disrupts cell-fate and the regulatory chromatin landscape of HSCs, we applied GoT-ChA to CD34+ sorted progenitor cells from 21 human primary samples, comprising 18 patients with JAK2V617F-mutated MF (no additional mutations, except for Pt-08), who either had no treatment (n = 12; including three longitudinal samples from a PV patient who progressed to MF) or who were treated with ruxolitinib (n = 6), a JAK1/2 inhibitor. We included a JAK2V617F CH sample (Pt-19) to explore early epigenetic changes, before the onset of overt hematological abnormality.
- 15/04/2024
- 21 samples
- DAC: EGAC50000000073
- Technology: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Details for GoT-ChA data access
DATA ACCESS AGREEMENT These terms and conditions govern access to the managed access datasets (details of which are set out in Appendix I) to which the User Institution has requested access. The User Institution agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. Definitions Authorized Personnel: The individuals at the User Institution to whom the Single-Cell Chromatin Accessibility Data Team Access Committee grants access to the Data. This includes the User, the individuals listed in Appendix II and any other individuals for whom the User Institution subsequently requests access to the Data. Details of the initial Authorized Personnel are set out in Appendix II. Data: The managed access datasets to which the User Institution has requested access. Data Producers: Single-Cell Chromatin Accessibility Data Team Access Committee and the collaborators listed in Appendix I responsible for the development, organization, and oversight of these Data. External Collaborator: A collaborator of the User, working for an institution other than the User Institution. Project: The project for which the User Institution has requested access to these Data. A description of the Project is set out in Appendix II. Publications: Includes, without limitation, articles published in print journals, electronic journals, reviews, books, posters and other written and verbal presentations of research. Research Participant: An individual whose data form part of these Data. Research Purposes: Shall mean research that is seeking to advance the understanding of genetics and genomics, including the treatment of disorders, and work on statistical methods that may be applied to such research. User: The principal investigator for the Project. User Institution(s): The Institution that has requested access to the Data. Single-Cell Chromatin Accessibility Data Team Access Committee: 413 East 69th Street, Room 1428 New York, NY 10021
Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.
Study ID | Study Title | Study Type |
EGAS50000000164 | Epigenetics |
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