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FASTQ files studied in Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of a Clinical Grade Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocyte Patch: A Pre-Clinical Study

This data set contains 16 paired fastq files (WGS) and 4 paired fastq files (WES).

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Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS50000000188 Whole Genome Sequencing
EGAS50000000189 Exome Sequencing

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00008344317 fastq.gz 4.9 GB
EGAF00008344324 fastq.gz 5.2 GB
EGAF00008344337 fastq.gz 3.9 GB
EGAF00008344345 fastq.gz 4.1 GB
EGAF00008344355 fastq.gz 4.1 GB
EGAF00008344370 fastq.gz 4.3 GB
EGAF00008344372 fastq.gz 4.2 GB
EGAF00008344380 fastq.gz 4.4 GB
EGAF00008344415 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00008344432 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00008348063 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00008348068 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00008348070 fastq.gz 28.9 GB
EGAF00008348072 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00008348082 fastq.gz 29.5 GB
EGAF00008348101 fastq.gz 23.0 GB
EGAF00008348121 fastq.gz 18.5 GB
EGAF00008348161 fastq.gz 18.8 GB
EGAF00008348169 fastq.gz 24.2 GB
EGAF00008348183 fastq.gz 18.3 GB
EGAF00008348208 fastq.gz 23.7 GB
EGAF00008348210 fastq.gz 27.4 GB
EGAF00008348222 fastq.gz 18.8 GB
EGAF00008348227 fastq.gz 18.3 GB
EGAF00008348259 fastq.gz 27.0 GB
EGAF00008348276 fastq.gz 23.0 GB
EGAF00008348284 fastq.gz 28.8 GB
EGAF00008348292 fastq.gz 27.6 GB
EGAF00008348295 fastq.gz 23.2 GB
EGAF00008348298 fastq.gz 18.3 GB
EGAF00008348304 fastq.gz 27.5 GB
EGAF00008348307 fastq.gz 23.9 GB
EGAF00008348310 fastq.gz 23.7 GB
EGAF00008348329 fastq.gz 27.7 GB
EGAF00008348335 fastq.gz 18.5 GB
EGAF00008348340 fastq.gz 18.2 GB
EGAF00008348360 fastq.gz 23.0 GB
EGAF00008348415 fastq.gz 27.0 GB
EGAF00008348430 fastq.gz 27.0 GB
EGAF00008348526 fastq.gz 27.0 GB
40 Files (821.9 GB)