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ctDNA raw data (BAMs)

Raw data of ctDNA profiling using the PredicineWES+ or PredicineBEACON assay in patients enrolled in divarasib phase I GO42144 study.

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Genentech Data Access Agreement for Academic Institutions v. Nov 2021

This Data Access Agreement (“Agreement”) between Genentech, Inc. (“Genentech”) and User and User Institution (as defined below) governs the terms on which access will be granted to the genotype data obtained from Genentech. In signing this Agreement, User and User Institution agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of access set out in this Agreement. For the sake of clarity, the terms of access set out in this Agreement shall govern activities conducted by the User and the User Institution (as defined below). User Institution and User are referred to within the Agreement as “You” and “Your” for convenience only. Definitions: gRED means Genentech Research and Early Development. Data means all and any human derived data, including but not limited to, genetic and proteomic data, and source code for reproduction of visualization of the Data, generated by gRED and requested by User through submission of an Application for Access to Genentech Data and obtained from Genentech under the terms of this Agreement. Data Security Breach means any actual or reasonably suspected: (a) compromise of the security, confidentiality or integrity, unauthorized access, acquisition or unauthorized or unlawful processing of Data; and/or (b) unauthorized intrusion into, control of, access to, modification of or use of any computer systems that are used by You to secure, defend, protect or process the Data. Data Subject means a person, who has been informed of the purpose for which the Data is held and has given his/her informed consent thereto. User means a researcher who has requested Data by submitting an Application for Access to Genentech Data to gRED and whose User Institution has previously completed this Data Access Agreement with respect to such Data and has received acknowledgement of its acceptance. Publications means, without limitation, articles published in print journals, electronic journals, reviews, books, posters and other written and verbal presentations of research. User Institution means the organization at which the User is employed, affiliated or enrolled. Genentech Data Access Committee means members of the gRED organization that are responsible for making the data access decisions for the genotype data generated by gRED. Terms and Conditions: In signing this Agreement: 1. You agree to use the Data only for the advancement of medical research. 2. You agree not to use the Data for the creation of products for sale or for any commercial purpose. 3. You agree to preserve, at all times, the confidentiality, privacy and security of Data pertaining to Data Subjects. In particular, You undertake not to use, or attempt to use the Data to compromise or otherwise infringe the confidentiality of information on Data Subjects and their right to privacy. 4. You agree not to attempt to link the Data provided under this Agreement to any other data source on the same samples or to link the Data to any person or otherwise identify any Data Subject from the Data. You agree to (i) maintain such the Data in de-identified form, (ii) not re-identify, nor attempt to re-identify, such Data, and (iii) comply with applicable data protection laws with respect to Your processing of such Data. 5. You agree not to transfer or disclose the Data, in whole or part, or any identifiable material derived from the Data, to others, except as necessary for data/safety monitoring or program management. Should You wish to share the Data with a collaborator outside the same Institution, the third party must make a separate application for access to the Data. 6. You agree to use the Data for the approved purpose and project described in your Application for Access to Genentech Data; use of the Data for a new purpose or project will require a new application and approval. You agree to restrict your use of the Data to the analysis of somatic mutations and/or gene expression level only; use of these data to infer genotype is not permitted. 7. You agree that publication of Your purpose, project, and results is restricted for a one (1) year period starting from the publication date of the Genentech publication referencing the Data deposit. You will be free to publish the results of the research using the Data for the approved purpose after the one (1) year period has expired. You will not publish the Data, but will refer to the original Data deposit by Genentech and agree to acknowledge in any such publication that the research makes use of Data generated by Genentech. 8. You accept that Genentech: (a) bears no legal responsibility for the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the Data; and (b) accepts no liability for indirect, consequential, or incidental, damages or losses arising from use of the Data, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to, the Data for whatever reason. 9. You understand and acknowledge that the Data is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and that duplication, except as reasonably required to carry out Your research with the Data, or sale of all or part of the Data on any media is not permitted. 10. You recognize that nothing in this Agreement shall operate to transfer to the User Institution any intellectual property rights relating to the Data. 11. You agree that You will submit a report to the Genentech Data Access Committee, if requested, on completion of the approved purpose. The Genentech Data Access Committee agrees to treat the report and all information, data, results, and conclusions contained within such report as confidential information belonging to the User Institution. 12. (a) You agree to use the Data in accordance with all applicable laws, including but not limited to applicable data protection laws. (b) You agree to implement, maintain, and comply with comprehensive information and network security programs, practices, and procedures that govern Your use and processing of the Data (collectively, “Data Security Program”) that: (i) meet current best industry standards; (ii) comply with all applicable data protection laws; (iii) include appropriate physical, administrative and technical safeguards and other security measures to maintain the security and confidentiality of the Data and protect it from accidental loss, alteration, disclosure and other unlawful forms of processing. The Genentech Data Access Committee reserves the right to request and inspect your Data Security Program and related data security and management documentation to ensure the adequacy of data protection measures. 13. You agree to notify Genentech in writing within three (3) days of discovery of a Data Security Breach. The notification to Genentech shall include, to the extent known by You, and shall be supplemented on an ongoing basis: (i) the general circumstances and extent of any unauthorized processing of the Data or intrusion into computer systems that are used by You to protect or process the Data; (ii) the types and volume of the Data that were involved; (iii) Your plans for corrective actions to respond to the Data Security Breach; and (iv) any other related information requested by Genentech. You agree to, at Your expense, respond to and contain any Data Security Breach in accordance with leading industry standards and applicable data protection laws. In the event of a Data Security Breach, You agree to assist and fully cooperate as required to fully investigate and resolve any such incident and to provide notifications required under applicable data protection laws. 14. You agree to indemnify Genentech and its respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any suits, claims, damages, demands, proceedings, and other actions brought by a third party, and all associated expenses and costs (including but not limited to: assessments, fines, losses, penalties, costs of investigating and responding to any Data Security Breach, costs of notifying affected individuals, and attorneys' fees), arising out of or related to Your processing of the Data, including, but not limited to, a suspected or actual Data Security Breach. 15. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of the last party to sign below (“Effective Date”) and shall terminate three (3) years after the Effective Date, unless terminated sooner pursuant to Section 16 below. Upon termination, You will be required to destroy any Data held. 16. You accept that this Agreement will terminate immediately upon any breach of this Agreement by You. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice for any reason. The following Sections of this Agreement shall survive its expiration or termination: Sections 1 – 10, 12(a), and 14-18 17. Nothing herein shall create any association, partnership, joint venture, fiduciary duty or the relation of principal and agent between the parties hereto, it being understood that each party is acting as an independent contractor, and neither party shall have the authority to bind the other or the other’s representatives in any way. 18. Except as required by law or permitted under Section 7, neither party shall use or refer to this Agreement in the public media, or use the names or marks of the other party without express prior written permission. 19. This Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same agreement. The parties agree that execution of this Agreement by exchanging facsimile, PDF, or e-Signature (as defined below) signatures shall have the same legal force and effect as the exchange of original signatures. Pursuant to this Agreement, e-Signatures shall mean a signature that consists of one or more letters, characters, numbers or other symbols in digital form incorporated in, attached to or associated with the electronic document, that (a) is unique to the person making the signature; (b) the technology or process used to make the signature is under the sole control of the person making the signature; (b) the technology or process can be used to identify the person using the technology or process; and (d) the electronic signature can be linked with an electronic document in such a way that it can be used to determine whether the electronic document has been changed since the electronic signature was incorporated in, attached to or associated with the electronic document. The written form shall be required to make changes to this clause as well. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives as set forth below.

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS50000000315 Cancer Genomics

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00008461345 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461346 bam 531.8 MB
EGAF00008461347 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461348 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461349 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461350 bam 572.2 MB
EGAF00008461351 bam 3.3 GB
EGAF00008461352 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461353 bam 910.6 MB
EGAF00008461354 bam 725.2 MB
EGAF00008461355 bam 2.2 GB
EGAF00008461356 bam 852.5 MB
EGAF00008461357 bam 902.3 MB
EGAF00008461358 bam 1.6 GB
EGAF00008461359 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461360 bam 1.3 GB
EGAF00008461361 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461362 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461363 bam 908.8 MB
EGAF00008461364 bam 846.7 MB
EGAF00008461365 bam 1.3 GB
EGAF00008461366 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461367 bam 919.1 MB
EGAF00008461368 bam 1.0 GB
EGAF00008461369 bam 953.8 MB
EGAF00008461370 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461371 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00008461372 bam 1.6 GB
EGAF00008461373 bam 807.5 MB
EGAF00008461374 bam 2.2 GB
EGAF00008461375 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461376 bam 536.1 MB
EGAF00008461377 bam 591.8 MB
EGAF00008461378 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461379 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461380 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461381 bam 23.4 GB
EGAF00008461382 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461383 bam 30.5 GB
EGAF00008461384 bam 30.1 GB
EGAF00008461385 bam 36.8 GB
EGAF00008461386 bam 39.2 GB
EGAF00008461387 bam 1.8 GB
EGAF00008461388 bam 845.1 MB
EGAF00008461389 bam 813.4 MB
EGAF00008461390 bam 32.8 GB
EGAF00008461391 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461392 bam 2.8 GB
EGAF00008461393 bam 1.6 GB
EGAF00008461394 bam 1.0 GB
EGAF00008461395 bam 37.0 GB
EGAF00008461396 bam 43.5 GB
EGAF00008461397 bam 991.0 MB
EGAF00008461398 bam 401.6 MB
EGAF00008461399 bam 710.7 MB
EGAF00008461400 bam 41.1 GB
EGAF00008461401 bam 912.9 MB
EGAF00008461402 bam 35.8 GB
EGAF00008461403 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461404 bam 39.1 GB
EGAF00008461405 bam 37.2 GB
EGAF00008461406 bam 869.8 MB
EGAF00008461407 bam 363.3 MB
EGAF00008461408 bam 40.5 GB
EGAF00008461409 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00008461410 bam 44.5 GB
EGAF00008461411 bam 899.5 MB
EGAF00008461412 bam 28.2 GB
EGAF00008461413 bam 48.1 GB
EGAF00008461414 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461415 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461416 bam 44.7 GB
EGAF00008461417 bam 48.2 GB
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EGAF00008461423 bam 45.0 GB
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EGAF00008461425 bam 1.3 GB
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EGAF00008461433 bam 47.0 GB
EGAF00008461434 bam 1.0 GB
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EGAF00008461448 bam 37.8 GB
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EGAF00008461451 bam 686.9 MB
EGAF00008461452 bam 35.4 GB
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EGAF00008461458 bam 723.8 MB
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EGAF00008461466 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461467 bam 30.3 GB
EGAF00008461468 bam 2.4 GB
EGAF00008461469 bam 565.5 MB
EGAF00008461470 bam 1.8 GB
EGAF00008461471 bam 44.7 GB
EGAF00008461472 bam 1.3 GB
EGAF00008461473 bam 895.2 MB
EGAF00008461474 bam 44.6 GB
EGAF00008461475 bam 36.8 GB
EGAF00008461476 bam 39.3 GB
EGAF00008461477 bam 32.5 GB
EGAF00008461478 bam 40.6 GB
EGAF00008461479 bam 841.2 MB
EGAF00008461480 bam 49.0 GB
EGAF00008461481 bam 48.5 GB
EGAF00008461482 bam 42.5 GB
EGAF00008461483 bam 579.9 MB
EGAF00008461484 bam 871.9 MB
EGAF00008461485 bam 817.5 MB
EGAF00008461486 bam 61.6 GB
EGAF00008461487 bam 48.7 GB
EGAF00008461488 bam 49.7 GB
EGAF00008461489 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461490 bam 54.0 GB
EGAF00008461491 bam 525.5 MB
EGAF00008461492 bam 543.0 MB
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EGAF00008461494 bam 883.2 MB
EGAF00008461495 bam 48.6 GB
EGAF00008461496 bam 778.5 MB
EGAF00008461497 bam 47.6 GB
EGAF00008461498 bam 31.5 GB
EGAF00008461499 bam 56.0 GB
EGAF00008461500 bam 37.7 GB
EGAF00008461501 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461502 bam 62.2 GB
EGAF00008461503 bam 581.3 MB
EGAF00008461504 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461505 bam 49.6 GB
EGAF00008461506 bam 34.5 GB
EGAF00008461507 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461508 bam 33.0 GB
EGAF00008461509 bam 964.1 MB
EGAF00008461510 bam 39.5 GB
EGAF00008461511 bam 50.6 GB
EGAF00008461512 bam 47.3 GB
EGAF00008461513 bam 911.4 MB
EGAF00008461514 bam 65.1 GB
EGAF00008461515 bam 939.2 MB
EGAF00008461516 bam 37.7 GB
EGAF00008461517 bam 738.7 MB
EGAF00008461518 bam 738.9 MB
EGAF00008461519 bam 34.8 GB
EGAF00008461520 bam 52.9 GB
EGAF00008461521 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461522 bam 461.7 MB
EGAF00008461523 bam 57.2 GB
EGAF00008461524 bam 774.6 MB
EGAF00008461525 bam 1.0 GB
EGAF00008461526 bam 33.2 GB
EGAF00008461527 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00008461528 bam 47.5 GB
EGAF00008461529 bam 46.5 GB
EGAF00008461530 bam 42.5 GB
EGAF00008461531 bam 387.6 MB
EGAF00008461532 bam 81.0 GB
EGAF00008461533 bam 911.5 MB
EGAF00008461534 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461535 bam 687.9 MB
EGAF00008461536 bam 919.0 MB
EGAF00008461537 bam 38.3 GB
EGAF00008461538 bam 52.7 GB
EGAF00008461539 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461540 bam 48.6 GB
EGAF00008461541 bam 600.5 MB
EGAF00008461542 bam 1.0 GB
EGAF00008461543 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461544 bam 46.4 GB
EGAF00008461545 bam 1.6 GB
EGAF00008461546 bam 47.1 GB
EGAF00008461547 bam 42.3 GB
EGAF00008461548 bam 710.1 MB
EGAF00008461549 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00008461550 bam 47.4 GB
EGAF00008461551 bam 36.8 GB
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EGAF00008461553 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461554 bam 51.7 GB
EGAF00008461555 bam 718.1 MB
EGAF00008461556 bam 49.9 GB
EGAF00008461557 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461558 bam 36.7 GB
EGAF00008461559 bam 279.7 MB
EGAF00008461560 bam 551.4 MB
EGAF00008461561 bam 45.7 GB
EGAF00008461562 bam 2.9 GB
EGAF00008461563 bam 37.1 GB
EGAF00008461564 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461565 bam 48.0 GB
EGAF00008461566 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461567 bam 35.5 GB
EGAF00008461568 bam 1.3 GB
EGAF00008461569 bam 66.5 GB
EGAF00008461570 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461571 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461572 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461573 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461574 bam 1.5 GB
EGAF00008461575 bam 964.4 MB
EGAF00008461576 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00008461577 bam 986.3 MB
EGAF00008461578 bam 1.9 GB
EGAF00008461579 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461580 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461581 bam 40.7 GB
EGAF00008461582 bam 42.8 GB
EGAF00008461583 bam 45.0 GB
EGAF00008461584 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461585 bam 50.9 GB
EGAF00008461586 bam 60.3 GB
EGAF00008461587 bam 52.8 GB
EGAF00008461588 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461589 bam 48.8 GB
EGAF00008461590 bam 1.3 GB
EGAF00008461591 bam 287.3 MB
EGAF00008461592 bam 42.9 GB
EGAF00008461593 bam 738.2 MB
EGAF00008461594 bam 870.0 MB
EGAF00008461595 bam 43.3 GB
EGAF00008461596 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00008461597 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461598 bam 47.4 GB
EGAF00008461599 bam 42.8 GB
EGAF00008461600 bam 775.8 MB
EGAF00008461601 bam 40.6 GB
EGAF00008461602 bam 1.1 GB
EGAF00008461603 bam 32.5 GB
EGAF00008461604 bam 67.2 GB
EGAF00008461605 bam 49.7 GB
EGAF00008461606 bam 46.6 GB
EGAF00008461607 bam 49.9 GB
EGAF00008461608 bam 60.0 GB
EGAF00008461609 bam 872.5 MB
EGAF00008461610 bam 48.6 GB
EGAF00008461611 bam 32.5 GB
EGAF00008461612 bam 1.6 GB
EGAF00008461613 bam 46.1 GB
EGAF00008461614 bam 33.2 GB
EGAF00008461615 bam 33.3 GB
EGAF00008461616 bam 1.3 GB
EGAF00008461617 bam 50.6 GB
EGAF00008461618 bam 1.3 GB
EGAF00008461619 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461620 bam 35.9 GB
EGAF00008461621 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461622 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461623 bam 48.2 GB
EGAF00008461624 bam 765.4 MB
EGAF00008461625 bam 45.2 GB
EGAF00008461626 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461627 bam 25.5 GB
EGAF00008461628 bam 488.3 MB
EGAF00008461629 bam 591.4 MB
EGAF00008461630 bam 693.0 MB
EGAF00008461631 bam 729.9 MB
EGAF00008461632 bam 795.5 MB
EGAF00008461633 bam 49.4 GB
EGAF00008461634 bam 46.6 GB
EGAF00008461635 bam 52.5 GB
EGAF00008461636 bam 768.9 MB
EGAF00008461637 bam 1.2 GB
EGAF00008461638 bam 48.8 GB
EGAF00008461639 bam 41.7 GB
EGAF00008461640 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00008461641 bam 41.4 GB
EGAF00008461642 bam 39.2 GB
EGAF00008461643 bam 43.8 GB
EGAF00008461644 bam 34.9 GB
EGAF00008461645 bam 34.6 GB
EGAF00008461671 bam 59.6 GB
EGAF00008461690 bam 42.3 GB
303 Files (6.2 TB)