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CRITICS trial Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)

Chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy after surgery and preoperative chemotherapy for resectable gastric cancer (CRITICS): an international, open-label, randomised phase 3 trial. Molecular characterisation of N=36 resectable gastric adenocarcinomas from CRITICS trial, describing mutations obtained by matched (Tumor-Normal) whole exome sequencing (WES). Samples are annotated for TCGA’s molecular classification (MSI, GS and CIN).

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Data originating from patient samples

The Amsterdam UMC, tumor genome analysis core, allows access to published datasets upon written application and signature of a Data Access Agreement (DAA). In addition, applications to clinical datasets require approval by a Data Access Committee (DAC), who assess whether the proposed work is allowed given patient consent, as well as the scientific purpose. To aid this process we ask you to provide the information below. Requests will be prioritised according to novelty of the research question. Applications with insufficient detail on objectives, justification, and methods/planned analyses are unlikely to be accepted. 1.Reference number for the dataset 2.Full legal name and address of university/institution 3.Name(s) of the Principle Investigator who will use the data: 4.Name(s) and job title(s) of any other investigators who will use the data: 5.Please provide a minimum of one reference to a publication that can be found on PubMed and where the Principle Investigator is an author: 6.How will the data be stored and where will it be stored? 7.What is the proposed study title and what are the objectives and outcomes of the study in which the data will be used 8.Please provide a brief justification or rationale for the proposed study (max 250 words) 9.Please provide a brief description of planned data analyses (max 250 words): 10.Will the results arising from use of the data be used for the creation of products for sale or for any commercial purpose?

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS50000000779 Cancer Genomics

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF50000276407 bam 3.8 GB
EGAF50000276421 bam 25.3 GB
EGAF50000276422 bam 16.1 GB
EGAF50000276423 bam 17.4 GB
EGAF50000276447 bam 15.1 GB
EGAF50000276448 bam 6.3 GB
EGAF50000276449 bam 25.8 GB
EGAF50000276520 bam 8.4 GB
EGAF50000276521 bam 20.2 GB
EGAF50000276522 bam 18.9 GB
EGAF50000276523 bam 20.7 GB
EGAF50000276524 bam 6.4 GB
EGAF50000276525 bam 23.1 GB
EGAF50000276526 bam 6.5 GB
EGAF50000276527 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF50000276528 bam 6.7 GB
EGAF50000276530 bam 27.0 GB
EGAF50000276531 bam 16.4 GB
EGAF50000276532 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF50000276533 bam 6.7 GB
EGAF50000276534 bam 19.3 GB
EGAF50000276535 bam 5.6 GB
EGAF50000276536 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF50000276537 bam 31.2 GB
EGAF50000276539 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF50000276540 bam 8.5 GB
EGAF50000276546 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF50000276548 bam 11.5 GB
EGAF50000276549 bam 7.0 GB
EGAF50000276550 bam 21.1 GB
EGAF50000276553 bam 8.3 GB
EGAF50000276554 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF50000276555 bam 15.7 GB
EGAF50000276556 bam 22.3 GB
EGAF50000276557 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF50000276558 bam 5.1 GB
EGAF50000276559 bam 19.4 GB
EGAF50000276560 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF50000276561 bam 27.1 GB
EGAF50000276562 bam 17.8 GB
EGAF50000276563 bam 25.6 GB
EGAF50000276564 bam 19.4 GB
EGAF50000276567 bam 23.6 GB
EGAF50000276568 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF50000276571 bam 25.9 GB
EGAF50000276572 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF50000276573 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF50000276575 bam 19.0 GB
EGAF50000276576 bam 6.9 GB
EGAF50000276582 bam 20.2 GB
EGAF50000276583 bam 16.7 GB
EGAF50000276584 bam 8.2 GB
EGAF50000276586 bam 21.2 GB
EGAF50000276588 bam 25.4 GB
EGAF50000276590 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF50000276594 bam 27.3 GB
EGAF50000276596 bam 17.5 GB
EGAF50000276597 bam 6.8 GB
EGAF50000276602 bam 30.3 GB
EGAF50000276603 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF50000276613 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF50000276614 bam 24.4 GB
EGAF50000276617 bam 7.0 GB
EGAF50000276619 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF50000276621 bam 25.4 GB
EGAF50000276624 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF50000276625 bam 17.0 GB
EGAF50000276627 bam 28.3 GB
EGAF50000276628 bam 6.1 GB
EGAF50000276629 bam 6.3 GB
EGAF50000276630 bam 6.9 GB
EGAF50000276632 bam 7.5 GB
72 Files (1.0 TB)