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Sequencing is performed on PCR products from the amplification of gRNA segments introduced into cell lines (some are commercial, some are derived by collaborators, as described in HMDMC 13/076). Cellular DNA or RNA are not sequenced. This data is defined as "Other Biological/Biochemical Assay Data" under the WTSI datasharing guidelines and consequently will be released at the time of publication and/or through faculty websites. SEQUENCING DETAILS: in October 2016 3 DNA samples will be submitted for PCR amplification and purification through CGP pipeline using Thompson's custom primer set and PCR settings and sequencing with Hiseq using a custom protocol (with 3 forward reads to read sgRNA1, sgRNA2 and the index, optimized with Illumina Bespoke Sanger team); read length 50bp. The following set of samples will be submitted in later 2016 and ealry 2017 as cell pellet to be processed through CGP Cas9 pipeline (Thompson's oligos and protocols) and sequences on Hiseq (same custom sequencing protocol described above) We are utilizing a custom CRISPR/Cas9 library to identify synthetic lethal gene pairs. Cells will be transduced with LV expressing Cas9, then infected with LV expressign the library of 42'000 sgRNA pairs. Cell pellet will be collected from the cell population at different timepoints. The samples will be processed by CGP pipeline customized for the specific protocol and then sequenced to identify the 19bp of the sgRNA and quantify their representation.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001006648 Illumina HiSeq 2500 27
Publications Citations
Combinatorial CRISPR screen identifies fitness effects of gene paralogues.
Nat Commun 12: 2021 1302