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16S rRNA gene amplification and maternal factors

Human breast milk contains a diverse community of bacteria but factors that produce variation in the breast milk microbiome are largely unknown. We evaluated if 1) maternal factors including breastfeeding practices modified the diversity and abundance of bacterial communities in breast milk and 2) if subclinical mastitis (SCM), an asymptomatic inflammatory condition occurring during lactation, induced a distinctive microbiota signature.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001004160 Illumina MiSeq 86
Publications Citations
Distinct Changes Occur in the Human Breast Milk Microbiome Between Early and Established Lactation in Breastfeeding Guatemalan Mothers.
Front Microbiol 12: 2021 557180
Human milk microbiome is shaped by breastfeeding practices.
Front Microbiol 13: 2022 885588
Human milk microbial species are associated with infant head-circumference during early and late lactation in Guatemalan mother-infant dyads.
Front Microbiol 13: 2022 908845
Human milk microbiome: associations with maternal diet and infant growth.
Front Nutr 11: 2024 1341777