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Low and variable tumor reactivity of the intratumoral TCR repertoire in human cancers

Infiltration of human cancers by T cells is generally interpreted as a sign of immune recognition, and there is a growing effort to reactivate dysfunctional T cells at such tumor sites. However, these efforts only have value if the intratumoral T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire of such cells is intrinsically tumor-reactive, and this has not been established in an unbiased manner for most human cancers. To address this issue, we analyzed the intrinsic tumor-reactivity of the intratumoral TCR repertoire of CD8+ T cells in ovarian and colorectal cancer – two tumor types for which T cell infiltrates form a positive prognostic marker. Data obtained demonstrate that a capacity to recognize autologous tumor is limited to approximately 10% of intratumoral CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, in two out of four patient samples tested, no tumor-reactive TCRs were identified, despite infiltration of their tumors by T cells. These data indicate that the intrinsic capacity of intratumoral T cells to recognize adjacent tumor tissue can be rare and variable, and suggest that clinical efforts to reactivate intratumoral T cells will benefit from approaches that simultaneously increase the quality of the intratumoral TCR repertoire.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001004340 Illumina HiSeq 2500 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 8
EGAD00001004341 Illumina HiSeq 2500 4
EGAD00001004342 Illumina MiSeq 368