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Genome Wide Association Study:GR@ACE Stage I

The Genome Research program at Fundacio ACE (GR@ACE, Barcelona, Spain), represents a new effort to study Alzheimer's Disease susceptibility. The GR@ACE study comprises 7,409 unrelated individuals. 4,120 AD cases were diagnosed at Fundació ACE Memory Clinic (Barcelona, Spain). 3,289 Controls were obtained from three collections (Fundació ACE, Barcelona; DNA National Biobank, Salamanca and HU Valme, Seville). Genotyping was carried out using the 815K Axiom Spain Biobank array (Affymetrix.) in the Spanish national center for genotyping (CEGEN, Santiago de Compostela, Spain). After genotyping, an extensive quality control was conducted, including re-sampling, gender match, stratification, relatedness, heterozygosity, differential missingness and HWD analyses.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00010001653 Axiom 815K Spanish Biobank array 7409
EGAD00010001654 Axiom 815K Spanish Biobank array 7409
EGAD00010001655 Axiom 815K Spanish Biobank array 7409
Publications Citations
The <i>MAPT</i> H1 Haplotype Is a Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease in <i>APOE</i> ε4 Non-carriers.
Front Aging Neurosci 11: 2019 327
Long runs of homozygosity are associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Transl Psychiatry 11: 2021 142
What does heritability of Alzheimer's disease represent?
PLoS One 18: 2023 e0281440
Novel loci for Alzheimer's disease identified by a genome-wide association study in Ashkenazi Jews.
Alzheimers Dement 19: 2023 5550-5562